Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Vital3912 hamid Сейчас такая ситуация: Локалка с адресами 192.168.100.х Когда клиент подключается, керио назначает ему адрес 192.168.0.х Доступ клиенту нужен к машине в локалке на адрес порт 407, прога там стоит на нем. Может помогут логи: 08/Dec/2006 10:05:50] [ID] 3085 [Rule] VPN server connections [Service] Kerio VPN [Connection] TCP 85.21.х.х:1161 -> SERVER:4090 [Duration] 160 sec [Bytes] 1358/2083/3441 [Packets] 15/16/31 [08/Dec/2006 10:08:14] [ID] 3140 [Rule] VPN server connections [Service] Kerio VPN [Connection] UDP 85.21.х.х:1162 -> SERVER:4090 [Duration] 151 sec [Bytes] 399/198/597 [Packets] 7/6/13 [08/Dec/2006 10:08:47] [ID] 3144 [Rule] VPN server connections [Service] Kerio VPN [Connection] TCP 85.21.х.х:1170 -> SERVER:4090 [Duration] 173 sec [Bytes] 1515/2240/3755 [Packets] 18/19/37 [08/Dec/2006 10:10:29] [ID] 3351 [Rule] VPN server connections [Service] Kerio VPN [Connection] TCP 85.21.х.х:1185 -> SERVER:4090 [Duration] 29 sec [Bytes] 1087/1651/2738 [Packets] 11/13/24 [08/Dec/2006 10:16:27] [ID] 3147 [Rule] VPN server connections [Service] Kerio VPN [Connection] UDP 85.21.х.х:1171 -> SERVER:4090 [Duration] 631 sec [Bytes] 3060/588/3648 [Packets] 28/12/40 [08/Dec/2006 10:16:27] Service "VPN" started, bound to address [08/Dec/2006 10:16:27] Service "SSL-VPN" started, bound to address [08/Dec/2006 10:16:26] VPN client 'ххххх' connected from 85.21.х.х [08/Dec/2006 10:18:53] VPN client 'ххххх' disconnected, connection time 00:02:27 [08/Dec/2006 10:18:53] PERMIT "VPN server connections" packet to Инет, proto:TCP, len:40, ip/port:195.151.х.х:4090 -> 85.21.х.х:1202, flags: FIN ACK , seq:3055236318 ack:4019950945, win:64748, tcplen:0 [08/Dec/2006 10:18:53] PERMIT "VPN server connections" packet from Инет, proto:TCP, len:40, ip/port:85.21.х.х:1202 -> 195.151.х.х:4090, flags: RST ACK , seq:4019950945 ack:3055236318, win:0, tcplen:0 [08/Dec/2006 10:18:41] HTTP: Non-ASCII bytes detected in HTTP request: client: 192.168.100.х, server: 194.186.х.х [08/Dec/2006 10:18:46] HTTP: Non-ASCII bytes detected in HTTP request: client: 192.168.100.х, server: 194.186.х.х | Всего записей: 333 | Зарегистр. 01-05-2006 | Отправлено: 11:13 08-12-2006 | Исправлено: Bear39, 11:26 08-12-2006 |