Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору User2105 Цитата: Скажите, каким-нибудь способом можно импортировать блэк-лист в sender filtering | Взято от суда: чеез://www.dotnetslackers.com/DataSet/re-12071_How_to_Import_Export_Exchange_2003_Sender_Filters.aspx Export Open a command prompt, and run this command: ldifde -m -f senderfilter.ldf -r "(objectClass=msExchSMTPTurfList)" -d "cn=configuration,dc=yourdomain,dc=local" -l msExchTurfListNames You'll need to replace dc=yourdomain,dc=local with the dn of your domain nc head. Here's the formula for building that in case you're not sure: Add dc= to the beginning and then replace every period (“.“) with ,dc=. So, a couple examples: sbs1.house.briandesmond.com becomes dc=sbs1,dc=house,dc=briandesmond,dc=com bigtire.local becomes dc=bigtire,dc=local smalltire.bigwheel.com becomes dc=smalltire,dc=bigwheel,dc=com This will export your blocked domains to a text file called senderfilter.ldf. You can just open it in notepad (notepad senderfilter.ldf from the command prompt) and view it. Import To import the file, you need to change dc=yourdomain,dc=local to reference the target domain in the ldf file first. The import command is: ldifde -i -f senderfilter.ldf If you're going to be importing this list frequently, there's a command to save you editing the ldf file everytime. Open the ldf file and replace the reference to the source domain (dc=yourdomain,dc=local) to dc=x. Then, use this import command instead: ldifde -i -f senderfilter.ldf -c dc=x dc=targetdomain,dc=local This will replace the occurrences of dc=x with dc=targetdomain,dc=local Пповерил работает. Сначала делаем экспорт, смотрим формат файла Затем импорт. | Всего записей: 1367 | Зарегистр. 21-03-2003 | Отправлено: 16:25 15-12-2005 | Исправлено: yurynok, 16:31 15-12-2005 |