
Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Orbiscope Observer is a web page monitoring software that can track changes in Web pages and send you changed by email. Automated website watch Advanced watcher; easy to use Keep track of product price, watch numbers Watch for new documents on a web page Track change in RSS feeds, monitor news sites View changes highlighted Watch for specifics word to appear Web page Up or Down. Include browser and search engine shortcut. Добавлено: Easy Web Page Watcher (старое название - Gotta Know Now!) is a Windows program that watches the web pages that you specify for words, phrases, or text that you specify. If the word, phrase, or text is found, Easy Web Page Watcher will alert you with an audible sound and by email, telling you that it found the word, phrase, or text. Additionally it displays the line of text containing the word or phrase just found in the Watch Results. It also displays the web page for browsing in it's browser window. Easy Web Page Watcher can also be set up to simply alert you when any update or change occurs at the web pages you specify. It will run in the background while you are away or at your computer doing other work. Thus you can use Easy Web Page Watcher to monitor a financial news web site for information about your stock. Or you can use it to monitor a music news web site for the latest concert announcements. You will know first when a web page displays information you need. No longer do you have to be at your computer constantly checking your favorite web sites for the latest news. With Easy Web Page Watcher your computer can automatically check multiple web pages for multiple words, phrases, text, or updates. Добавлено: Copernic Tracker is a powerful Web site tracking software that monitors Web pages and notifies you when they change. It keeps you up to date with what's new on sites you're interested in and saves you countless browsing hours. Copernic Tracker automatically looks for new content on Web pages, as often as you like. When a change is detected, our Web site tracking software can notify you by sending an email, including a copy of the Web page with the changes highlighted, or by displaying a desktop alert. Key Features: Monitor Web site changes for text changes, new images, and more Receive update alerts by email, on your desktop, and even on your cell phone View updated pages with changes highlighted Schedule monitoring to run daily, weekly or even up to the minute Watch for specific keywords on pages Archive different versions of tracked pages Track any page you browse with a single click Добавлено: EMCO WebText Notifier is a personalised Internet search engine. It notifies you when selected keyword(s) appears at selected website(s). You may want to be notified when the name of a sports club is mentioned on a news site, or when a company name is mentioned on an investment website, or... anything else. There are endless possibilities with this software, you are only limited by your own interests. EMCO WebText Notifier is easy to use - you enter keywords or phrases to search for, schedule when you want specific web page(s) to be searched, and let EMCO WebText Notifier do the rest. When a keyword or phrase has been found you can click on the available link and view the web page with all results highlighted in the color of your choice. EMCO WebText Notifier has the following functionality: Create scan items that detail what web page(s) you want to search with specific key words at a specific time (Scan items) Select what color to use to highlight key word results on a web page (Setting the highlight color) View scan results by web address or keyword (Viewing scan results) Save scan items and results in a database for ease of use (Saving scan data) Print scan results for a particular database (Printing scan results) | Всего записей: 2342 | Зарегистр. 19-04-2002 | Отправлено: 13:02 17-07-2005 | Исправлено: MrPerfect, 13:21 17-07-2005 |