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Цитата: device=USBASPI.SYS /w /v device=DI1000DD.SYS device=USBCD.SYS /d:USBCD001 install=SHCDX33e.COM /C /d:USBCD001 /L:R USBASPI.SYS Switches: Here are the known valid switches identified so far with the Panasonic(TM) v2.06 USBASPI.SYS driver in CONFIG.SYS device=[{path}]USBASPI.SYS [/e] [/o] [/u] [/v] [/w] [/r] [/l[#]] [/f] [/slow] [/nocbc] [/norst] [/noprt] You can specify more than one controller type (e.g. /e /u). This switch can also be used to force slower speed operation on high-speed USB controllers & devices. The driver will scan for all types of USB controllers, so use these switches to specify which port types to enable. This allows for faster USB scanning. By specifying /u or /o and omitting /e, it forces Full-Speed mode on High-Speed devices. One can't make a Low- or Full-Speed device run at High-Speed. /e EHCI, for enabling only USB 2.0 controller /o OHCI, for enabling only add-on/onboard USB 1.1 controller /u UHCI, for enabling integrated USB 1.1 controller In verbose mode. USBASPI displays details on controller type and USB devices it detects. It displays the vendor & product ID codes, the controller address range (memory map or I/O port map) of controllers, and the connection speed code for each device. /v Verbose, shows USB details - excellent troubleshooting tool These switches modify driver actions /w Wait, displays prompt message to allow swapping/attaching of target USB device /l# Luns, to specify highest number of LUN assigned, default /L0 /slow to enter SLOW down mode, gives longer delays when scanning USB devices /nocbc NO Card Bus Controller?, to disable detection of USB on CardBus slots This switch is typically used on portable systems with an external USB floppy drive connected to the single USB port for boot-up. Used in conjunction with RAMFD.SYS so after the boot floppy is copied to a RAM drive, (and after the /W pause...) the USB floppy can be removed, and the target mass storage device can be attached and detected /r Resident, allows driver to stay resident in memory when USB floppy drive is detected. There are a number of switches whose specific function is unknown. I am still experimenting on these switches, and have not had revealing results thus far... /norst - could this mean a RESET will not be sent on the USB device? what is the effect? have tried on a USB printer but no difference /noprt - definitely NOT for printer functionality. Have found that on some systems with USB on Intel chipset (1.1 or 2.0), if UHCI is normally I/O mapped, using this switch causes USBASPI.SYS to "hang" while detecting host controllers. Could it be for I/O port mode? /f - does NOT seem to be speed related (as in full-speed or fast device detection). Suspect it could be for "floppy" or "flash memory" device... | еще такой секретик есть. не помню точно как будет если устанавливать из конфиг.сис, если устанавливать батником уже из под доса, то после запуска юсб райвера перед запуском aspi диска надо паузу выдержать, а то нифига не получится DI1000DD.SYS - вот этот драйвер самый лучший, у него другоеназвание еще есть не помню какое, какое то японское. другие аспи диски или не видят несколько разделов или с фат32 проблемы - чета типа такого лучший драйвер. остальные гавно | Всего записей: 13343 | Зарегистр. 13-01-2008 | Отправлено: 08:38 03-09-2012 | Исправлено: bomzzz, 08:57 03-09-2012 |