- NEW: The search method 'Find similar pictures' now supports the following image formats: 3FR, ARW, BMP, CR2, CRW, CUT, DCR, DIB, DNG, EMF, ERF, GIF, HDP, ICO, IFF, J2C, J2K, JP2, JPE, JPG, JPEG, JPX, JFIF, KDC, MDC, MEF, MOS, MRW, NEF, ORF, PEF, PBM, PCX, PGM, PNG, PPM, PSD, RAF, RAS, RAW, RW2, SRW, TGA, TIF, TIFF, RAS, RLE, WBMP, WEBP, WMF and X3F. - NEW: Search method 'Find similar pictures': The file extensions of the supported image formats can now be individually activated for the search. - NEW: File Manager / Action 'Delete files': With the new option 'Secure delete', the content is completely overwritten before deleting a file and the file size is set to 0. - UPD: The Slovenian translation of the user interface has been updated. - UPD: The French translation of user interface has been updated. - UPD: The Portuguese translation of the user interface has been updated. - UPD: The Spanish translation of user interface has been updated. - UPD: The Russian translation of the user interface has been updated. - FIX: Various optimizations have been introduced in various sections of AllDup. |