Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Обновление: Цитата: Patch Release: 14 January 2005 This release was developed and tested with: - VirusScan Enterprise:8.0i - DAT Version: 4416, December 22 2004 - Engine Version: 4.3.20 RESOLVED ISSUES 1. ISSUE: A memory leak occurred in non-page pool memory when accessing files via the network redirector. The TDI driver did not release memory that had been allocated for identifying Source IP information. RESOLUTION: Memory is properly released by the TDI driver. 2. ISSUE: If the TDI driver received an I/O Request Packet (IRP) that did not have enough stack locations to be passed down the stack, a new IRP was created and the original IRP was left uncompleted. This resulted in a small memory leak. RESOLUTION: The original IRP is now completed. 3. ISSUE: A driver conflict between the McAfee TDI driver and a driver from Aventail VPN Client software could result in NetBIOS network connectivity being lost. RESOLUTION: NetBIOS network connectivity functions as expected when these applications are installed. 4. ISSUE: When a system was under considerable file I/O stress, and the path information of a file was not examined correctly by the exclusion library, an excluded file or a file inside an excluded folder could be scanned. RESOLUTION: The exclusion library has been updated to ensure that file path information is examined correctly under any stress condition. 5. ISSUE: Malformed JPEG files taking advantage of the MS04-028 exploit could be rendered by a browser -– without first having to cache files locally -- to induce an attack on the system. Details of the security bulletin can be found at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-028.mspx RESOLUTION: The processes monitored by the Buffer Overflow Protection feature are protected against malicious code attempting to execute after exploiting the MS04-028 vulnerability. IMPORTANT: When a buffer overflow has occurred, the affected process may become unstable and may need to be restarted. This patch release is not a substitute for any security patch(es) provided by Microsoft to resolve the MS04-028 vulnerability. 6. ISSUE: Toolbar icons in some applications, including IBM WebSphere Studio, display as black boxes. RESOLUTION: Toolbar icons now display as expected. 7. ISSUE: Web Inspector from Zixcorp would encounter an error upon initializing, usually seen at logon. RESOLUTION: Web Inspector loads without issue. 8. ISSUE: Windows Media Player 10 could stop responding after you select the option to listen to a "Radio" stream, then select the "Music" tab. RESOLUTION: Windows Media Player 10 operates correctly without interruption when you change from the "Radio" tab to "Music" tab, and vice versa. NOTE: Once the Patch is applied, a reboot may be required to resolve this issue. 9. ISSUE: List boxes and Message boxes in .NET applications do not display any content. RESOLUTION: List boxes and Message boxes now display content as expected. 10. ISSUE: In some Notes configurations where user mail databases were located in varying locations, the Lotus Notes Scanner would not find a mailbox to scan. RESOLUTION: User mailboxes are correctly located, and the Lotus Notes scanner protects the database. 11. ISSUE: The user interface option that allows you to password protect the "On-Access Scanner: Detection" page mistakenly protects both the On-Access Scan "Detection" and On-Access Scan "Set Exclusions" property pages. A user could not add exclusions. RESOLUTION: Choosing to protect the "On-Access Scanner: Detection" page from the "User Interface Options" now protects only the On-Access Scan "Detection" page. 12. ISSUE: A "Cannot find the file specified" error message could occur when starting Lotus Notes via a shortcut, or when starting Lotus Notes from a shell. The same error message could occur when third-party applications that inject an add-in into Lotus Notes attempt to invoke the McAfee Lotus Notes scanner extensions and fail to find NCDAEMON.EXE. RESOLUTION: NCDAEMON.EXE now loads successfully. 13. ISSUE: A delay in responsiveness of the script engine would occur when executing scripts sequentially. RESOLUTION: Scripts terminate correctly, allowing the script engine to respond to subsequent script commands. 14. ISSUE: An "Access denied" error appeared in an application that used the "delete-on-close" flag when working with temporary files. The file system filter driver would lose track of the "delete-on-close" flag. RESOLUTION: The updated file system filter driver resolves this issue, allowing temporary files to be utilized as expected. | берем: f*p://custftp2.nai.com/outgoing/tier3/VSE80P10.Zip Добавлено: VictorStar Цитата: как McAfee заставить не сканировать большие файлы? | консоль---On-Access Scan -- General Settings --- General, здесь Scan Time , первое для архивов, второе для всех файлов, уменьши время и при истечении установленного времени проверка будет остановлена. Ограничение сканирования по объему файла не настраивается. |