if wscript.arguments.count = 2 then fname = wscript.arguments.item(0):fname2 = wscript.arguments.item(1) dim newcounts, txtarr3() set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set one = fso.opentextfile(fname, 1):txt = one.readall:one.close set two = fso.opentextfile(fname2, 1):txt2 = two.readall:two.close if txt <> txt2 then txttmp = vbcrlf & txt2 & vbcrlf:txtarr = split(txt, vbcrlf) redim txtarr3(ubound(txtarr)) for i=0 to ubound(txtarr) if instr(1, txttmp, vbcrlf & txtarr(i) & vbcrlf, 1) > 0 then txtarr3(newcounts) = txtarr(i):newcounts = newcounts + 1 end if next redim preserve txtarr3(newcounts-1) txt = join(txtarr3, vbcrlf) set one = fso.opentextfile(fname & "_", 2, true):one.write txt:one.close newcounts = 0 txttmp = vbcrlf & txt & vbcrlf:txtarr = split(txt2, vbcrlf) redim txtarr3(ubound(txtarr)) for i=0 to ubound(txtarr) if instr(1, txttmp, vbcrlf & txtarr(i) & vbcrlf, 1) > 0 then txtarr3(newcounts) = txtarr(i):newcounts = newcounts + 1 end if next redim preserve txtarr3(newcounts-1) txt = join(txtarr3, vbcrlf) set one = fso.opentextfile(fname2 & "_", 2, true):one.write txt:one.close end if end if wscript.quit |