Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Вышли: VirusScan Enterprise v8.0i Patch 7 VirusScan Enterprise v8.0i Patch 8 VirusScan Enterprise v8.0i Patch 9 Берем там же, меняем цифирку Добавлено Цитата: Patch 7 Patch Release: 15 October 2004 RESOLVED ISSUES 1. ISSUE: An unaligned memory reference in the TDI driver could lead to an exception on IA64 systems, seen as a blue screen error or reboot. NOTE: This issue could occur with or without the Patch 1 release. RESOLUTION: MVSTDI5i.SYS has been updated to correct this issue. 2. ISSUE: A driver conflict between the McAfee TDI driver and a driver from Aventail VPN Client software could result in NetBIOS network connectivity being lost. RESOLUTION: NetBIOS network connectivity functions as expected when these applications are installed. 3. ISSUE: A memory leak occurred in non-page pool memory when accessing files via the network redirector. The TDI driver did not release memory that had been allocated for identifying Source IP information. This might be seen as a failure to allocate non-page pool memory or Event ID 2019 in the System Event log. RESOLUTION: Memory is properly released by the TDI driver. 4. ISSUE: If the TDI driver received an I/O Request Packet (IRP) that did not have enough stack locations to be passed down the stack, a new IRP was created and the original IRP was left uncompleted. This resulted in a small memory leak. RESOLUTION: The original IRP is now completed. Patch 8 Patch Release: 15 October 2004 RESOLVED ISSUE 1. ISSUE: The user interface option that allows you to password protect the "On-Access Scanner: Detection" page mistakenly protects both the On-Access Scan "Detection" and On-Access Scan "Set Exclusions" property pages. A user could not add exclusions. RESOLUTION: Choosing to protect the "On-Access Scanner: Detection" page from the "User Interface Options" now protects only the On-Access Scan "Detection" page. Patch 9 18 October 2004 RESOLVED ISSUES 1. ISSUE: Malformed JPEG files taking advantage of the MS04-028 exploit could be rendered by a browser – without first having to cache files locally -- to induce an attack on the system. Details of the security bulletin can be found at: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms04-028.mspx RESOLUTION: The processes monitored by the Buffer Overflow Protection feature are protected against malicious code attempting to execute after exploiting the MS04-028 vulnerability. IMPORTANT: When a buffer overflow has occurred, the affected process may become unstable and may need to be restarted. This patch release is not a substitute for any security patch(es) provided by Microsoft to resolve the MS04-028 vulnerability. 2. ISSUE: Toolbar icons in some applications, including IBM WebSphere Studio, display as black boxes. RESOLUTION: Toolbar icons now display as expected. 3. ISSUE: Web Inspector from Zixcorp would encounter an error upon initializing, usually seen at logon. RESOLUTION: Web Inspector loads without issue. 4. ISSUE: Windows Media Player 10 could stop responding after you select the option to listen to a "Radio" stream, then select the "Music" tab. RESOLUTION: Windows Media Player 10 operates correctly without interruption when you change from the "Radio" tab to "Music" tab, and vice versa. NOTE: Once the Patch is applied, a reboot may be required to resolve this issue. 5. ISSUE: List boxes and Message boxes in .NET applications do not display any content. RESOLUTION: List boxes and Message boxes now display content as expected. |