Features of Parrots A number of striking features contribute to the characteristic appearance of parrots as a group. These include their often brilliant plumage colours, the naked or feathered cere, which bears the nostrils, the hooked bill and muscular tongue, and the zygodactylous feet, with two toes pointing forward and two backward- Bill and Tongue The strong hooked bill is one of the most easily recognisable features of all parrots. The bill grows continuously, at the same time being constantly worn away with use. Parrots use their bills not only for the obvious purposes of obtai ni ng and breaking up food and for grooming, but also a<< an extra limb when climbing. The uppermandibleof most birds isattached directly to the skull and is immoveable from its fixed position. Parrots, however, have a complex hinge-like arrangement attaching the upper mandible to the skull. This gives them the capacity to open the beak wide and to exert considerable force with it. Anyone who has been bitten by a parrot will be able lo vouch for the power of its bite! On the other hand, the bill can be used very gently when required, for example, for delicate tasks such as preening. .The crushing ability of the bill is used to open hard and woody fruits to exrract the seeds which are a major component of the diet of most species. Other uses of the bill include removing insect larvae from galb or from under bark, and digging roots, corms etc. from the soil. |