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Проверка контрольных сумм


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Интеграция в свойства файла


Плагины для файлового менеджера Total Commander

1 = Free/Open Source

бэкап шапки от 26.04.2019 http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=5201&start=460#15

Всего записей: 3420 | Зарегистр. 05-03-2002 | Отправлено: 22:40 06-11-2002 | Исправлено: DimmY, 12:35 21-07-2024

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Тема на ru-board http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=26738&start=140#1

Всего записей: 1103 | Зарегистр. 12-08-2007 | Отправлено: 08:45 22-10-2013

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Рабочая ссылка на Pinpoint Hash
Здесь http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=5201&start=80#3
ссылки не работают.
Metaviewer - другая программа этой конторы, тоже вычисляет MD5, SHA-1 и SHA-256

Всего записей: 955 | Зарегистр. 30-08-2010 | Отправлено: 20:51 23-10-2013 | Исправлено: mih_s, 04:24 08-05-2015

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Ну вот чисто для crc вроде не гуд, слишком громоздкая , куча лишнего

Всего записей: 2196 | Зарегистр. 15-08-2003 | Отправлено: 09:55 24-10-2013

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Для моих целей меня всем устраивается. Интегрируется в конт. меню (создать, проверить).  

Предпринимал попытки подобрать что- то другое, да все не то, да и терпеть не могу делать 10 кликов для создания суммы.

Всего записей: 22354 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2006 | Отправлено: 11:21 24-10-2013

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QuickSFV... Интегрируется в конт. меню (создать, проверить).  

Как выбрать по умолчанию .md5?

Всего записей: 1103 | Зарегистр. 12-08-2007 | Отправлено: 11:47 24-10-2013

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Как выбрать по умолчанию .md5?  
Если программа уже установлена,то один раз указать, затем это будет работать и при всех последующих запусках:
Еще при установке есть какие- то опции, но подробностей не помню.

Всего записей: 22354 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2006 | Отправлено: 12:25 24-10-2013

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Попробуй RapidCRC Unicocode v0.3.14 x32-x64
(три скриншота на странице)

Всего записей: 2196 | Зарегистр. 15-08-2003 | Отправлено: 16:52 24-10-2013 | Исправлено: cRAzY_kRONiC, 16:53 24-10-2013

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Drag & Drop added to the file utility.  Select the files and drop onto the software.  (Limited to about 500 files!)
Now added the HashText utility that will creat MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-256 hashes of text.

Всего записей: 955 | Зарегистр. 30-08-2010 | Отправлено: 20:38 24-10-2013

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Ребята, всем привет!
Может кто встречал теоритическую часть по этим приложениям, статьи например ?
Встречаются только выкладки общего толка, а не по сравнению файлов или проверке целостности файлов.
Т.е. что за алгоритмы, что за фэш-функции, почему их можно использовать. Насколько достоверна информация если сошлись суммы и прочие объяснения.

Всего записей: 4893 | Зарегистр. 10-11-2004 | Отправлено: 12:20 06-11-2013

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slech в шапке две ссылки самые первые.

Всего записей: 1103 | Зарегистр. 12-08-2007 | Отправлено: 01:42 08-11-2013

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Спасибо. Добавил их и почитал.
Это не чётко по теме данных программ. Буду пробовать собирать из различных источников.

Всего записей: 4893 | Зарегистр. 10-11-2004 | Отправлено: 23:09 08-11-2013

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A free utility to move evidence files and ensure they are copied accurately
Nuix Evidence Mover is designed to copy evidence file images from one storage location to another. It creates a hash of the files before and after moving to ensure the data has been copied accurately, and to maintain the chain of custody.

Всего записей: 955 | Зарегистр. 30-08-2010 | Отправлено: 10:53 23-11-2013

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А чем можно проверить MD5 + SHA1 всех файлов записаные   в XML ?

Всего записей: 2527 | Зарегистр. 23-08-2011 | Отправлено: 18:17 30-11-2013 | Исправлено: Kero1, 18:18 30-11-2013

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Calculate 16 or 32 bit CRC of a file(s)
Be sure to check the help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/crckit.htm for additional information about this program.
Crckit may be used for a number of different purposes:
It provides a 32 bit CRC and a 16 bit checksum of a file or files. The 32 bit value is identical to one created by the PKZIP program for its internal file integrity checks. This allows for a cross verification of any value that Crckit produces.
The output produced by Crckit is a fixed length record capable of being imported into a data base for additional analysis. It can be used to verify that a file has not been changed since a reference CRC was created.
It can also be used in a batch file to check the integrity of a program before execution.
For a test suite of programs to evaluate the usefulness and accuracy of your CRC and hashing programs, we have compiled a zip file that contains standard files used to verify program output. The description of the files is found in this file and the files themselves along with a batch file driver program are found here in this zip file.
The 16 bit version of Crckit has been modified to not alter last access date when run under DOS boot.
 | GET the 32 bit exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/crckit.exe | View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/crckit.htm |  

Disk Crc

Calculate the 32 bit CRC, MD5, or SHA of a physical disk
Be sure to check the help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/disk_crc.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20120901031324/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/disk_crc.htm
for additional information about this program, and the Ntimage help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/ntimage.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20120904104423/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/ntimage.htm .  
Disk_crc reads the contents of a disk, floppy or hard disk and produces a 32 bit CRC, 128 bit MD5, or 160 bit SHA representing the hash of that disk. This value can be used later as a reference to verify that the contents of the disk have/have not been changed.  
Disk_crc can also create a hash of a section (specified sectors) of a disk. This is useful to calculate the values of partitions.  
The program is useful for validating evidence using the following procedure: Use Disk_crc to create a reference CRC of a suspect disk drive. Then, using a backup of the physical disk, generate a second CRC from the backup copy. If the original(reference) CRC and the second CRC are identical, then the copy is an authentic copy of the original.  
We always recommend independently confirming the operation of any copy or imaging program. If the imaging program has internal confirmation, and there is a flaw in the implementation, the confirmation will never fail.  
Other uses of Disk_crc:  
Check for altered data anytime: Create a reference CRC; then at any later time create another comparison CRC. Any difference would indicate altered data.  
Verify that a copy of a floppy disk is an exact copy.  
Detect where an alteration has occurred on a hard disk.  
 | GET the 16 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/disk_crc.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20130514161926/http://www.dmares.com/pub/disk_crc.exe | View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/disk_crc.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20120901031324/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/disk_crc.htm |  


Calculate the CRC, MD5, SHA1, or SHA2 hash of a file
Be sure to check the help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130414034658/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash.htm
for additional information about this program.
Also of interest is the file HASH FAQS _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/hash_faqs.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130411015442/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/hash_faqs.htm
which provides information on the hashing algorithms, and methods of using the programs. The article: Data Integrity _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/articles/hash_faqs.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130411025141/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/articles/hash_faqs.htm  
describes and shows shows how the Maresware hash programs can be used to validate data and file integrity.  
Hash is designed to calculate a 32 bit CRC, 128 bit MD5 hash, 160 bit Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA1), or the SHA2  (256, 384 or 512 bit) of a file.  
Its default produces an excellent fixed length output which can be imported into a database for analysis. In addition, its default output is a catalog of files.  
The 32 bit versions provide access to the 3 file date/times of NT and WIN9x. They also process Multiple Data Streams on NTFS.  
The 16 bit version has been modified so that it does not alter the last access date when run under a DOS boot.  
The program will calculate the hash value for:  
a single file  
files (i.e., *.exe) in an entire directory  
files in an entire path (i.e., c:\program files)  
files on an entire logical drive. (i.e., c:\)  
multiple drives at once (i.e., c:\  d:\  e:\).  
| Get the 16 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/hash.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20120517163359/http://www.dmares.com/pub/hash.exe | GET the 32 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hash.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20130411032341/http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hash.exe | View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130414034658/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash.htm |    


Calculate the MD5 hash of a file and create a Hashkeeper compatable output
Be sure to check the hk_hash help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hk_hash.htm for additional information about this program.
HK_Hash is a smaller version of Hash _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/hash.htm which is specially designed to calculate the 128 bit MD5 hash of a file(s) and create a comma delimeted output that is compatable with the hashkeeper requirements for a file which it to be loaded/imported into the hashkeeper data base.
Its default produces a comma delimited record with fields required by hashkeeper. The fields contain enough information to satisfy most users hashing needs. However, because it was designed specifically to work with hashkeeper, the options available for refining its output and files which are found has been limited. Which means you can't do size, date/time restrictions as you can with hash, and you can't do a lot of other options for file selection.
The program will calculate the hash value for:
    a single file
    files (i.e., *.exe) in an entire directory
    files in an entire path (i.e., c:\program files)
    files on an entire logical drive. (i.e., c:\)
    multiple drives at once (i.e., c:\  d:\  e:\).
 | GET the 32 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hk_hash.exe |  
 | View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hk_hash.htm |


Display differences in 2 Hash output files
Be sure to check the help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hashcmp.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130411000929/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hashcmp.htm
for additional information about this program.  
Hashcmp can be used to compare the contents, line by line, of two files with similar records. When it finds records in one file that do not have a match in the other file, the program displays the mismatch on the screen. It is designed to display the differences in output files produced by the Maresware Hash program.  
This procedure can be used to identify any files which may have been altered in the time interval between the first and second outputs.  
Under certain circumstances Hashcmp can also compare 2 outputs of Diskcat, Crckit and other programs which produce fixed CR/LF records.  
 | GET the 32 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hashcmp.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20120520210026/http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hashcmp.exe |  GET the 32 bit hashcmpv version _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hashcmpv.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20130327200002/http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hashcmpv.exe |  View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hashcmp.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130411000929/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hashcmp.htm |  


Find duplicate records in output of Hash
Be sure to check the help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash_dup.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130410224434/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash_dup.htm
for additional information about this program.  
After creating an output file from the Maresware Hash program (using the -v option) the user may want to know which files are identical. To find out, you need to compare the hashes of the files. The program (hash_dup.exe) will take the output file created from the running of the hash.exe program, and compare the hashes of all the files listed in that output file. It then takes all the duplicate records and places them in an output file. This new output file contains instances of files that are identical based on hash values. This program can also make comparisons if the value is an SHA value.  
This program is available for free download. However, it really has no usefulness unless run against the output of Maresware's Hash. It will process 150,000 records. However, by using the included batch file you can process an unlimited number of records.  
 | GET the 32 bit .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hash_dup.exe _http://web.archive.org/web/20120517170915/http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/hash_dup.exe |  
 | View the html help file. _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash_dup.htm _http://web.archive.org/web/20130410224434/http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/hash_dup.htm |  


Nist_crc is a program compiled from (slightly modified) source code obtained from the NIST/NSRL web site. The program will compute the CRC, MD4, MD5, and SHA1 of a file. However, the Maresware program Sha_verify is a little more robust than this one.
 | Get NIST_Crc _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/nist_crc.exe |


NIST code for SHA,MD5, MD4, CRC-32
This is a program that was generated by compiling the NIST source code for the SHA, MD5, MD4, and CRC-32 data base. The source code is available at: NSRL   documents. However, in order to compile it cleanly under Microsoft Ver 6.0C++ a few minor changes were made(although none to the algorithm). Our version of the source code is available upon request.
 | Get the .exe _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/nist_crc.exe |  

Sha verify

Emulate/verify SHA/MD5 calculation of data (disk)
Use to perform a hash of a file, and/or to emulate that calculation on a number of sectors or file of X bytes in size. Also performs an MD5 and SHA1 calculation on a file (this function is incidental to the primary purpose).
Often in validation procedures you have either a file or a physical drive which contains one hex value (i.e., hex 00). You need to perform a hash of the file/disk. Your software may take a long time, and you have no way to know if it actually worked.
By using Sha_verify you can emulate doing a MD5 and SHA1 of a disk or file of a specific size, and provide the correct value. Then compare this value with the one your software produced on the actual device. Because the disk or file doesn't need to be available, the program runs fast.
This program is available for free download.
| Get the .exe file _http://www.dmares.com/pub/nt_32/sha_verify.exe | View the html help file _http://www.dmares.com/maresware/html/sha_verify.htm |

Всего записей: 955 | Зарегистр. 30-08-2010 | Отправлено: 03:22 10-12-2013 | Исправлено: mih_s, 03:38 10-12-2013

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Nero MD5 Verifier
MD5: 032c7570be40d272697b2cb22607e33f

Всего записей: 177 | Зарегистр. 02-10-2005 | Отправлено: 18:03 19-01-2014 | Исправлено: Xbg, 18:04 19-01-2014

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Добавим иконку для HashMyFiles (NirSoft) в контекстное меню проводника.  
Включите интеграцию в программе, затем, сверив ваши пути и имена, добавьте в реестр это:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Icon"="D:\\Portable Files\\HashMyFiles\\hashmyfiles.ico"

Всего записей: 22354 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2006 | Отправлено: 17:01 11-04-2014 | Исправлено: shadow_member, 17:02 11-04-2014

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PinPoint 1.0.0 noinst ~800KB
Когда-то это уже было. Оригинальный дистрибутив имеет размер 6MB, т.е. просто громадный для утилиты вычисления контрольных сумм. Для работы программы достаточно всего два файла- .exe и .dll. Назначения файла .tlb не знаю, работает как с ним, так и без него.  
Файлы в архиве можно получить, установив программу или распаковав дистрибутив.  
Достаточно удобна. Drag-n-Drop. Только вычисляет, проверять не умеет. В контекстное меню не интегрируется. Кирилицу в именах коверкает. Офсайт умер. Noinst или Portable- не проверял, поэтому назвал так.  
Бесплатна. При Drag-n-Drop папки выдает сообщение, что работа с папками только в платной версии.

Всего записей: 22354 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2006 | Отправлено: 10:46 13-04-2014 | Исправлено: shadow_member, 11:09 13-04-2014

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MD5 Checksum Tool
инсталлер - http://downloads.novirusthanks.org/files/md5check_setup.exe
портабл - http://downloads.novirusthanks.org/files/portables/md5check_portable.zip
есть руссик

Reset - не кнопка, а горькая необходимость.

Всего записей: 11232 | Зарегистр. 10-09-2008 | Отправлено: 22:17 20-06-2014 | Исправлено: opt_step, 22:19 20-06-2014

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Добрый день. Мне нужна помощь. Установил значит хорошую сборку себе на ПК Windows 7 Ultimate  с хорошим кряком. Теперь  уже как с месяц отдал диск с виндой девушке знакомой. И он пропал. Теперь хочу найти этот образ хоть в нэте. Сейчас он у меня установлен на ПК. Могу ли я как хоть чтото узнать с помощью этих программ, которые  тут обсуждаются про образ, хоть его название определить по контрольным суммам, или может по другой информации определить.?  Возможно ли такое? Спасибо за ближайшую за помощь.

Всего записей: 277 | Зарегистр. 02-03-2010 | Отправлено: 12:58 31-07-2014

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Любой контрольный\проверочный файл, это в первую очередь простой файл с текстом, который открывается любой программой для работы с текстом, notepad(блокнот) хотя бы.

Всего записей: 169 | Зарегистр. 29-07-2008 | Отправлено: 20:58 03-08-2014
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