Gold Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору oshizelly > То есть, если зажать только один Ctrl, то будет скопировано оформление и текста, а абзаца? А что при этом должно быть выделено? И где должен стоять курсор в целевом абзаце, к которому мы хотим применить скопированное оформление? Цитата: Copying Formatting With the Format Paintbrush You can use the Format Paintbrush tool to copy formatting from atext selection or from an object and apply the formatting to anothertext selection or object. | In Calc, the Format Paintbrush only applies to cell formatting. | - Select the text or object whose formatting you want to copy.
- On the Standard Bar, click the Format Paintbrush icon.
The cursor changes to a paint bucket. | If you want to apply the formatting to more than one selection, double-click the Format Paintbrush icon . After you apply all the formatting, click the icon again. | - Select or click the text or object that you want to apply the formatting to.
| By default only the character formatting is copied ; to include paragraph formatting, hold down Ctrl when you click. To copy only the paragraph formatting, hold down Ctrl+Shift when you click. | The paragraph formats are the formats applied to the wholeparagraph. The character formats are those applied to aportion of the paragraph. For example, if you apply the bold formatto a whole paragraph the bold format is a paragraph format.Then if you unbold a portion of this paragraph, the bold format isstill a paragraph format but the portion you unbold has a "notbold" character format. The following table describes the formatting attributes that the Format Paintbrush can copy: Type of Selection | Comment | Nothing selected, but cursor is inside a text passage | Copies the formatting of the current paragraph and the character formatting of the next character in the text flow direction. | Text is selected | Copies the formatting of the last selected character and of the paragraph that contains the character. | Frame is selected | Copies the frame attributes that are defined in Format - Frame dialog. The contents, size, position, linking, hyperlinks, and macros in the frame are not copied. | Object is selected | Copies the object formatting that is defined in the Format - Graphics or Format - Drawing Object dialogs. The contents, size, position, hyperlinks, and macros in the object are not copied. | Form control is selected | Not supported | Drawing object is selected | Copies all formatting attributes. In Impress and Draw, the text contents of the object is also copied. | Text within Calc cells is selected | Not supported | Writer table or cells are selected | Copies the formatting that is specified in Table, Text Flow, Borders, and Background tab pages in the Format - Table dialog. The paragraph and character formatting are also copied. | Calc table or cells are selected | Copies the formatting that is specified in the Format - Cells dialog as well as the formatting of the cell contents | | > Конечно же, история прыжков И немедленно описали историю изменений :-): «Скажем, написали какую-нибудь чушь». Ключевое слово — «написали». С этим уже полегче — история положений изменений определенно пишется, но <Shift-F5> по-умолчанию к ней никак не относится — это приказ to «Restore Editing View» — восстановить положение курсора (и не только), имевшее место на момент последнего закрытия файла.
| Всего записей: 9272 | Зарегистр. 12-05-2005 | Отправлено: 01:24 01-08-2015 | Исправлено: ASE_DAG, 01:34 01-08-2015 |