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Текущая версия 3.29 от 22.08.24

Tixati мощный, бесплатный клиент сети BitTorrent, обладающий широкими возможностями и приятным, дружественным англоязычным интерфейсом. Программа не требовательна к системным ресурсам.
Основные характеристики:
— Ограничения максимальных скоростей скачивания и отдачи и их настройка в зависимости от времени;
— Кеширование файлов на жестком диске (дисках);
— Поддержка DHT и PeerExchange;
— Режим начальной раздачи;
— Автоматическое скачивание торрентов из ленты новостей RSS;
— Поддержка UPnP во всех версиях Windows;
— Последовательная загрузка.

Патч DHT  (на свой страх и риск)
Обновление с докачкой

Голосование: Лучший BitTorrent-клиент

перевод интерфейса программы на русский язык

Всего записей: 2198 | Зарегистр. 15-01-2003 | Отправлено: 18:58 10-07-2011 | Исправлено: eddiezato, 05:29 23-08-2024

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Tixati v2.44 Alpha-4

September 5, 2016
 Alpha-4 is now available. This corrects a last-minute problem in the alpha-3 release from earlier today that was causing difficulties with channel info editing, especially on a fully empty info set.
 We are working as quickly as possible and will be releasing new features as soon as we are sure that the latest changes are solid. Because such wide-reaching updates were made in the alpha-2 release yesterday, please continue to test thoroughly. If you find anything, please let us know in the forum.
 Thanks for helping test!
 NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 15:22 09-09-2016

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Недавно поставил данный клиент. Работает, устраивает. Жаль нет возможности подключаться клиентом к другой машине, как например в Transmission, Deluge или qBittorrent, а только через Web-interface. Насколько я понял клиент может производить скачивание серий используя RSS, но вот как это сделать конкретно понять не могу, тем более никогда такое не делал. Может кто кинет ссылку где это вопрос "разобран". А то хотелось бы сериалы с LostFilm так закачивать.

Всего записей: 607 | Зарегистр. 12-10-2005 | Отправлено: 10:37 19-09-2016

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Tixati v2.44 Alpha-6

September 16, 2016
 Alpha-6 is now available. This release provides a number of important bug-fixes and tweaks to yesterdays alpha-5 release:
 -fixed crash in Windows version treeviews (filter/merge component) that would occur after loading older UI saved configs
 -fixed Windows/GTK treeview settings serialization routines to be compatible with older versions
 -fixed several minor problems with merge-model component of GTK version treeviews, some of which could cause crashes
 -problems with detection and activation of already-open xfer/peer/channel/feed/etc property windows have been eliminated
 -minor display problems in Windows version bandwidth charts have been corrected
 We are working toward a final release as quickly as possible. Please stay tuned.
 If you find any problems, please let us know in the forum.
 Thanks for helping test!

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 14:25 22-09-2016

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Download Tixati v2.45

September 25, 2016
 Tixati v2.45 is now available. This release contains several important fixes and improvements throughout the program:
faster and more memory-efficient config loading on startup
support for config files over 4GB
fixed problems with channel share recursive mirroring, added loop prevention
update channel share mirrors on channel startup
Linux/GTK build now supports drag-dropping .torrent files and text with magnet links from shell
several fixes in Windows drag-drop shell interface
outgoing stream window now supports drag-dropping media files on list
outgoing stream window can now load .pls and .m3u playlist files along with the usual .ts and .mp3 media files
outgoing stream window can now save .pls and .m3u files by right-clicking two or more selected entries
trackers now report all-time upload/download statistics (same as seen in transfer details tab) instead of re-zeroing on every run
font size is now adjustable directly from the tray menu under the Layout submenu
on Windows systems, if directory watch notification fails on a network drive, polling method will automatically be tried
fixed problems with file replacement confirmation dialogs
fixed several problems with moving newly-created seeds while initial hash-checking was still underway
several URL decoding fixes when parsing file:// links from the Linux shell (command line, drag-drop, IPC, etc.)
fixed crash in bandwidth quota actions when a referenced bandwidth preset no longer exists
fixed rare crash caused by loading very old configuration files that contain files with a null path
additional per-file validity-checks when creating new torrents from local files
updated transfer-initiation routines to prevent needless file allocation under certain error conditions
better handling of broken symbolic links in Linux file systems
transfer preload window "Apply to All" option will not override category-capture paths for subsequent transfers
moving a newly-created seed to another device during initial checking will no longer clear the bitfield
out of memory termination is handled more gracefully, leaves a log file on desktop
improvements to channel search algorithms
core UDP/TCP socket wrappers have improved closedown/lingering semantics
stream playback pacing algorithms completely re-engineered and re-written, resulting in much smoother playback
option to launch streams directly with ffplay is now off by default (vlc is still on by default)
added charts in stream properties window to show validation rate and playback rate
new PNG rendering engine (for icons and graphics) that is much faster and less error-prone
fixed several problems with various tree sorting modes in main transfer view layout menu
better text positioning inside progress bars
the color of checkboxes in treeviews can now be altered in Settings > User Interface > Custom Colors
help-handling (F1 key) context subsystem has been replaced
resource storage tokenization/compression improvements
major updates to GUI settings and color storage (this will allow future addition of columns without disturbing custom order)
added several advanced positioning directives to GUI layout engine
implemented notifications for online contacts
implemented notifications for private messages from contacts
several minor fixes in the DHT
minor fixes in the GUI for channels classic layout
updated IP-location tables
fixed temporary allocation errors when a transfer file is forced through download - delete - download cycle
minor fixes to tray icon / menu and balloon notification system
seeding auto-stop on ratio/seeds now waits for file-touching upon transfer startup
move-on-complete paths are now properly cleared after completion, instead of falling back to default
several other internal upgrades to our GUI layout engine and framework have been made
fixed errors when creating directories upon transfer move-on-complete and simultaneous incomplete-rename
 We are working on several new features and will resume testing soon.
 Thanks for using Tixati!

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 13:36 26-09-2016

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Download Tixati v2.47

September 27, 2016
 Tixati version 2.47 is now available. This is a quick update to the 2.46 release from earlier today that fixes several minor issues with tooltip display in Windows build treeviews, listviews, and text controls.
 Thanks for using Tixati!

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 12:17 28-09-2016

Silver Member
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народ, кто пояснит, а то я въехать не могу:
почему при изменении на трекере раздачи
сабж не хочет ее перехешировать автоматом ?
...и ДАЖЕ вручную...вроде как запускаешь force check , а толку-ноль !
сабж -портабельный, версии 2.34.
автоматический подхват торрент файлов -это закладка meta-info в transfers (самая первая настройка) ?

Всего записей: 2226 | Зарегистр. 04-02-2014 | Отправлено: 00:03 02-11-2016 | Исправлено: tt43, 00:16 02-11-2016

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Tixati 2.48   November 2, 2016

Tixati version 2.48 is now available. This release contains several important fixes and improvements:
    complete re-write of thread scheduling core to improve performance and reliability
    fixed crash upon DNS resolve failure when bootstrapping DHT
    trackers now report per-session UL/DL statistics instead of all-time
    added stats_report:all_time to Individual Tracker Options in Settings > Transfers > Trackers
    fixed minor problems in config .dat file saving routines that would cause slightly inflated file sizes
    fixed problems with menu tooltips on Windows builds
    revised font-selection routines in text-view, rich-view, and code-view controls
    additional guarding around several Windows GDI functions to better handle resource allocation failures
    several optimizations to internal settings registry, which should slightly improve performance
    streaming in channels from an HTTP live source now supports more formats, including full ICY headers
    several minor adjustments to the DHT rate-limiters to deal with excessive requests from certain clients
    updated IP-Location tables

Всего записей: 1213 | Зарегистр. 28-03-2016 | Отправлено: 15:17 02-11-2016
Aleksandr SHCH

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народ, кто пояснит, а то я въехать не могу:
почему при изменении на трекере раздачи
сабж не хочет ее перехешировать автоматом ?
...и ДАЖЕ вручную...вроде как запускаешь force check , а толку-ноль !
сабж -портабельный, версии 2.34.  

Это нужно спросить у автора. Меня гораздо больше бесит, что если размер файла отличается при обновлении торрента, то Tixati останавливает проверку с ошибкой, а не переписывает файл как другие программы. А если изменённых файлов много, то это вообще ...

Всего записей: 2260 | Зарегистр. 02-01-2008 | Отправлено: 15:59 02-11-2016

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Aleksandr SHCH
у меня пишет - existing file with incorrect size ! из-за этого не хочет перехешировать...
попробовал даже на самой последней версии 2.47 - абсолютно такая же ситуация !
эти... программки с линукса постоянно то тут то там косячат...хоть на лоре спрашивай...

Всего записей: 2226 | Зарегистр. 04-02-2014 | Отправлено: 01:04 03-11-2016 | Исправлено: tt43, 01:07 03-11-2016

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Можно как-то отключить пересканирование раздач при старте?  Или это необходимо? Просто торренты качаются на сетевой диск, а пропускная способность канала не очень большая. Поэтому чем больше в раздаче файлов, тем дольше она сканируется, а чем больше подобных раздач, тем дольше программа стартует.. А так конечно от возможностей крыша едет, программа отличная, зря её раньше недооценивал.

Всего записей: 471 | Зарегистр. 04-04-2016 | Отправлено: 07:50 01-12-2016

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Tixati 2.49   December 5, 2016

    fixed problems with Linux kernel 4.8.10 and newer causing unexpected socket closure
    new setting for maximum simultaneous DHT searches
    default maximum simultaneous DHT searches raised to 20 (from 12)
    several minor compatibility updates and fixes to the internal URI parser
    added new scheduler action that exports configuration file backups
    added new scheduler action that randomizes incoming port
    several minor internal framework updates to leverage newest C++17 features
    added new GUI box classes to support better layout positioning methods
    minor updates to GUI buttons, checkboxes, and radio boxes in preparation for new platforms
    improvements to internal QoS prioritization for outgoing UDP message queues
    several optimizations in transfer piece handling and hash-checking routines to save CPU time
    redesign of DHT query processor soft-throttle system for much smoother engagement under high load
    updated IP-location tables

Всего записей: 9919 | Зарегистр. 03-07-2013 | Отправлено: 21:49 05-12-2016

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Download Tixati v2.51

December 21, 2016
 Tixati version 2.51 is now available. This release contains several very important bug-fixes:
 - fixed multiple problems with tracker connection header formatting
 - sequencing of config file saving and overwriting is now handling orphaned temp files properly
 - fixed problems overwriting temp config files during load error recovery
 - download completion commands should now work correctly
 - minor issues with peer selection have been fixed
 - numerous other minor problems throughout the program due to an issue with a recent build-chain upgrade have been fixed
 We will begin alpha-testing some new features within days. Please keep an eye on the forum if you want to participate.
 Thanks for using Tixati!!

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 10:19 22-12-2016 | Исправлено: dek, 10:22 22-12-2016

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Tixati v2.52 Alpha-2

January 7, 2017
 Alpha-2 is now available.
 This fixes a crash upon startup that was occurring in alpha-1 when loading channels with one or more ignored users.
 There have also been some minor adjustments to the channel connection share-syncing protocol for smoother operation.
 If you find problems, please let us know in the forum. We are continuing work on the forum and in other parts of the program.
 Thanks for helping us test!
NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 11:29 11-01-2017 | Исправлено: dek, 11:30 11-01-2017

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Всё хорошо в программе только одно непонятно как автор реализовал кэширование, оно похоже динамическое и зависит возможно от скорости скачивания а возможно от количества торрентов, непонятно. Почему автор утилиты не разрешил пользователю настраивать размер кэша великая загадка. Года 3 назад спрашивал на форуме поддержки, ответа не было.

Всего записей: 605 | Зарегистр. 16-10-2007 | Отправлено: 23:59 20-01-2017 | Исправлено: Asilus, 00:00 21-01-2017

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Возможность локализации так и не добавили?

Всего записей: 1560 | Зарегистр. 24-09-2002 | Отправлено: 11:18 26-01-2017

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Всего записей: 9285 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2009 | Отправлено: 12:07 26-01-2017

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Tixati v2.52 Alpha-3

February 6, 2017
 Alpha 3 is now available. There has been a major overhaul of the new channel forum system to support a full range of moderation features and several new event notification options.
 Forum messages can be approved/disapproved by a channel mod simply by right-clicking. This will issue a command message that changes the status of the target message. Command messages are hidden from view by default, but can be shown using an option in the layout menu.
 The layout also has new options to toggle the visibility of approved, unapproved, and disapproved messages. These options are available to all users in the channel, but the default is to only show the approved messages. This allows the moderators to create a filtered view of the forum for general reading, but also prevents opaque censorship at the per-message level. The only way to fully eliminate shared information from a user, including their forum messages, is to set their permission level below normal or ban them completely.
 By default, messages are auto-approved. However, to achieve a pre-moderated forum, the minimum user access level that has it's messages auto-approved can be raised. In the channel information, add the directive ##forum:aal=mod to make all new messages from non-moderators unapproved by default.
 The sound notification and tray icon notification systems have had major work, and now include many forum-related events and options.
 There have also been several other major optimizations inside the channel objects themselves to improve performance CPU-wise. In particular, incoming connection setup and routing are much more efficient than in previous versions. Also, the routines that parse and fill mirror directives in channel info/member share have also been re-written for greater efficiency.
 Several other minor channel-related UI refinements have been made, both in the standard and classic layouts.
 We are still working on a few other minor issues with the channels and will be releasing another update soon.
 Thanks for helping us test!
NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 14:20 07-02-2017

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Tixati v2.52 Alpha-5

February 10, 2017
 Alpha-5 is now available. A few important fixes have been made:
 -updates to forum message visibility calculations
 -some extra guards added around forum message decompressor to prevent excessive size after decoding
 -long lines in channel share edit mode are broken up using ##cont: directives
 -changes to shared data auto-segmenting routines to improve performance when longer messages are added
 -lower limits for view/reply popup creation via multi sel from 32 down to 8
 -adjustments to positioning of profiling hooks around channel forum functions
 More updates are on the way.
 Thanks for helping us test!
NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 14:26 11-02-2017

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Tixati v2.52 Alpha-6

February 13, 2017
 Alpha-6 is now available. The following changes were made:
 -new forum msg clean function is available from the remove button menu
 -the channel user clean function should now work correctly
 -forum msg rt-click options now include Browse and Send Message
 -in channel Add/Reply window, add button tooltip shows remaining available share space
 -new warning in channel Add/Reply if post will not be auto-approved
 -channel user tooltips show bytes shared (if any)
 More updates are on the way.
 Thanks for helping us test!
NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 09:26 15-02-2017

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Tixati v2.52 Alpha-7

February 16, 2017
 Alpha-7 is now available. The following changes were made:
 -completely re-engineered channel share auto-segmenting system to minimize sync traffic when adding links/messages/text
 -much more efficient forum caching/updating, especially for local user messages
 -optimized some text-formatting routines used for Windows build text-view controls, much better performance for long texts
 -treeview tooltip detection and positioning is now more accurate
 -treeview rendering in Windows build now uses a non-linear indent to fit more recursion levels within a column
 -minor fixes to combo-box dropdown rendering in Windows build
 -floating-point display formatting now uses proper thousands-separator
 More to come.
 Thanks for helping us test!
NOTE: These archives contain stand-alone binaries. Simply extract and run from your desktop. The configuration from your regular installation will still be loaded.

Всего записей: 271 | Зарегистр. 10-03-2006 | Отправлено: 07:39 17-02-2017
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