Benchmarks The following command-line options can be used to automatize running benchmarks: /ALLBENCH <filename> Run all memory, CPU and FPU benchmarks, and save the results into an XML file called filename. /MEMBENCH <filename> Run all memory benchmarks (Memory Read, Memory Write, Memory Copy, Memory Latency), and save the results into an XML file called filename. /CPUBENCH <filename> Run all CPU benchmarks (CPU Queen, CPU PhotoWorxx, CPU ZLib, CPU AES, CPU SHA3), and save the results into an XML file called filename. /FPUBENCH <filename> Run all FPU benchmarks (FPU Julia, FPU Mandel, FPU SinJulia, FP32 Ray-Trace, FP64 Ray-Trace), and save the results into an XML file called filename. /CMBENCH <filename> Automatically open the Cache & Memory Benchmark panel and run all benchmarks. The results will be saved into an XML file and/or a PNG screenshot file. When the filename has no extension, both an XML file and a PNG screenshot file will be generated. /GGBENCH <filename> Automatically open the GPGPU Benchmark panel and run all benchmarks. The results will be saved into an XML file and/or a PNG screenshot file. When the filename has no extension, both an XML file and a PNG screenshot file will be generated. |