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Цитата: неподскажеш как Функцию Отключения/Подключения к Интернету можно применить к VPN соединению, а то у меня неработает ((( | ??? Код: ; AutoIt Version: 3.0 ; Language: English ; Platform: WinXP SP2 (Tested) ; Author: Kenneth Padgett / IT Lifesaver / ; Version: 1.0 ; ; Script Function: ; Creates a PPTP VPN connection on Windows XP clients ; to connect to the server info you provide ; #NoTrayIcon #compiler_icon=itlifesaver.ico #include <GUIConstants.au3> $COMPANY_NAME = "Work VPN" ; name of the VPN icon $COMPANY_IP = "" ; can be DNS name too $ConfigureDNS = True ; true if script should set DNS servers, false if not $COMPANY_DNS1 = "" $COMPANY_DNS2 = "" ; optional $NotDefaultGW = True ; true if script should uncheck the 'Use remote network as default gateway', if you want inet traffic to go through the VPN, set to false $DELAY = 100 $answer = MsgBox(4, "VPN Connection", "This script will create a VPN connection to " & $COMPANY_NAME & ", Ready?") If $answer = 7 Then Exit EndIf ; Prompt user for VPN login info $frmInformation = GUICreate("Enter Information", 287, 194, 193, 115) $lblUserName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("User Name:", 16, 40, 60, 17) $lblPassword = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", 16, 80, 53, 17) $txtUserName = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 112, 40, 153, 21) $txtPassword = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 112, 80, 153, 21, BitOR($ES_PASSWORD,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $lblPassword2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Confirm Password:", 16, 120, 91, 17) $txtPassword2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 112, 120, 153, 21, BitOR($ES_PASSWORD,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL)) $btnOK = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OK", 200, 160, 75, 25, 0) $lblInfo = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter your VPN Login Information Below!", 48, 8, 196, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $btnOK If GUICtrlRead($txtPassword) <> GUICtrlRead($txtPassword2) Then MsgBox (16, "Error", "Passwords do not match! Try again.") Else $Username = GUICtrlRead($txtUsername) $Password = GUICtrlRead($txtPassword) ExitLoop EndIf Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) ; Run Network Setup Run("control ncpa.cpl") WinWaitActive("Network Connections") ; Check if VPN by same name already exists, since it'll break script later if Windows add's a number at the end of the name... $ControlID = ControlListView("Network Connections", "", "SysListView321", "FindItem", $COMPANY_NAME, "Virtual Private Network") If $ControlID <> -1 Then $answer = MsgBox(4404, "Error", "VPN Connection to " & $COMPANY_NAME & " already exists! Remove it and recreate it?") If $answer = 6 Then ControlListView("Network Connections", "", "SysListView321", "Select", $ControlID) Send("{DEL}") WinWaitActive("Confirm Connection Delete") Send("!y") Sleep($DELAY) Else MsgBox(16, "Exit", "Script stopped by user") Exit EndIf EndIf ; open new connection wizard from file menu Send("!f") Send("n") WinWaitActive("New Connection Wizard") Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; What do you want to do? Send("!o") Sleep($DELAY) Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; How do you want to connect to the network at your workplace? Send("!v") Sleep($DELAY) Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; Specifiy a name for this connection to your workplace. Send($COMPANY_NAME) Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; Windows can make sure the public network is connected first. Send("!d") Sleep($DELAY) Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; What is the name or address of the VPN server? Send($COMPANY_IP) Send("!n") Sleep($DELAY) ; Wizard Complete, do we want a desktop shortcut? Send("!s") Sleep($DELAY) Send("{ENTER}") WinWaitClose("New Connection Wizard") WinWaitActive("Connect " & $COMPANY_NAME) Send($Username) Send("{TAB}") Send($Password) Sleep($DELAY) Send("!s") ; save password... Send("!a") ; for anyone who uses this computer, use "!n" for 'Me only' Sleep($DELAY) If $ConfigureDNS Or $NotDefaultGW Then Send("!o") ; open Properties WinWaitActive($COMPANY_NAME & " Properties") Send("^{TAB 3}") Sleep($DELAY) Send("!o") ; highlight 'This connection uses the following items:'... Sleep($DELAY) ; select TCP/IP from the listview: $ControlID = ControlListView($COMPANY_NAME & " Properties", "", "SysListView321", "FindItem", "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)") If $ControlID = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "Error", "Could not select TCP/IP, please finish setup manually") Exit EndIf ControlListView($COMPANY_NAME & " Properties", "", "SysListView321", "Select", $ControlID) Sleep($DELAY) Send("!r") ; open properties WinWaitActive("Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties") If $ConfigureDNS Then Send("!e") ; Use the following DNS server addresses Sleep($DELAY) Send($COMPANY_DNS1) Sleep($DELAY) If $COMPANY_DNS2 <> "" Then Send("{TAB}") Send($COMPANY_DNS2) Sleep($DELAY) Endif EndIf If $NotDefaultGW Then Send("!v") WinWaitActive("Advanced TCP/IP Settings") Send("!u") ; Uncheck 'Use default gateway on remote network' ControlClick("Advanced TCP/IP Settings", "", 1) ; click OK EndIf WinWaitActive("Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties") ControlClick("Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties", "", 1) ; click OK WinWaitActive($COMPANY_NAME & " Properties") ControlClick($COMPANY_NAME & " Properties", "", 1) ; click OK EndIf WinClose("Network Connections") |