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Мощная, многофункциональная программа для чтения новостных каналов RSS. Ее отличительная особенность в том, что вы можете даже не знать, что такое RSS, и все равно без особых усилий получить доступ к огромному разнообразию новостей всех направлений, а также обеспечить их комфортный просмотр и грамотную систематизацию. Подробнее
Официальный сайт
Релиз-группа: http://groups.google.com/group/feeddemon
Freeware c версии 2.6
Adware c версии 3.0 до 4.1
Freeware версия 4.5
Текущая версия (последняя): FeedDemon 4.5 (июнь 2013)
Ссылка на загрузку
Исправленный русский перевод
Лекарство к прошлым версиям ищем в Варезнике

Всего записей: 428 | Зарегистр. 31-05-2003 | Отправлено: 12:49 14-02-2004 | Исправлено: anynamer, 14:16 25-06-2013

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когда они иконки переделают .. а то со времен 98 винди

Всего записей: 363 | Зарегистр. 21-01-2007 | Отправлено: 11:31 12-03-2009

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такие устроят?

завтра утром выйдет новый билд

Всего записей: 2189 | Зарегистр. 26-07-2006 | Отправлено: 20:44 29-03-2009

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Русификатор для версии  
распаковать в Program Files\Bradbury\FeedDemon\Data\lang  
в меню выбрать Tools -> Language -> Russian

Site is closed. No more music, no more warez.

Всего записей: 175 | Зарегистр. 28-02-2009 | Отправлено: 22:58 29-03-2009

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там рядом зеркало

Купить биткоин, Ethereum и другие альткоины

Всего записей: 8945 | Зарегистр. 13-09-2004 | Отправлено: 23:48 29-03-2009

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FD3 Beta 1

FeedDemon Release Notes
Build / March 30, 2009
Changes in FeedDemon 3.0
    * Added: Redesigned "Subscriptions Home" report with popular videos and articles extracted from your feeds
    * Added: Items can now be tagged
          o Tags are synchronized with NewsGator
          o "Subscriptions Home" includes a tag cloud
          o Tags can be dragged from the tree and dropped onto a post in a FeedDemon newspaper
          o Tagged items can be excluded by the Cleanup Wizard
          o Tagging is now included in the attention algorithm
          o "G" single-key newspaper shortcut displays tag editor for current item
    * Added: "Share" icon added to newspaper which adds the item to your shared clippings. Note: If you have multiple shared clippings folders, you can change which one this feature uses by right-clicking on "Clippings" and selecting "Choose default clippings folder."
    * Added: Ability to view all unread or flagged items at once
    * Added: Hovering over a short URL (TinyURL.com, etc.) now shows the full URL in a balloon tip so you know where the URL redirects (great when browsing Twitter). For a list of supported URL shortening services, see the file ShortUrl.xml in FeedDemon's \Data subfolder.
    * Added: Automatic hyperlinking of URLs, @replies, #hashtags and author names in Twitter feeds. Profile pictures will also be displayed when subscribing to the Atom version of a Twitter feed if the feed is in a folder that isn't synchronized.
    * Added: "Reply" link in newspaper when viewing a post from a Twitter feed
    * Added: Redesigned toolbutton icons
    * Added: "Icons" button added to Options|Reading which enables choosing which icons should appear beneath each item in the newspaper (due to this addition, several of the default icons from previous versions are now hidden by default)
    * Added: Startup and Import wizards now enable importing your Google Reader subscriptions
    * Added: Close button added to individual browser tabs
    * Added: Significant performance improvements in "Popular Topics," "Search Subscriptions," newspaper display and many other areas
    * Added: "Export Newspaper" added to File menu - exports all posts from all pages in the active newspaper to an external HTML document
    * Added: "Surfer" newspaper style now remembers whether thumbnails have been collapsed
    * Added: "Enable page transitions" has been added to Options|Appearance, which defaults to being enabled unless IE8 is installed (a bug in IE8 Beta 2 causes the transitions to fail)
    * Added: FeedDemon attempts to detect when script debugging is enabled in Internet Explorer and asks whether to turn it off (script debugging causes error dialogs to popup while browsing inside any application that embeds IE)
    * Added: Fixed header in reports/newspapers (requires IE7 or later)
    * Added: "Browser Home" added to tabbed browser context menu
    * Added: Hourglass icon now appears on browser tabs that are still loading
    * Added: Main menu can be toggled by right-clicking any toolbar and selecting "Show main menu"
    * Added: Theme selection added to Appearance page in Options (this replaces the "UI Style" option from previous versions)
    * Added: Newspaper now displays "new items received" message when new items are downloaded in the feed or folder showing in the newspaper
    * Added: "Export Top Feeds" added to File menu
    * Added: "Panic Button" now enables marking everything more than 12 hours old as read
    * Added: "Attention Report" now enables exporting top feeds as OPML
    * Added: Embedded ads via The Deck
    * Added: Support for NGES ratings and group clippings (NewsGator Enterprise Server only)
    * Added: Cleanup Wizard and Panic Button can now be limited to specific folders
    * Added: Feed and folder properties now enable specifying how many days to keep items
    * Added: When you switch to a language file other than the default, FeedDemon validates it to make sure it doesn't have any missing entries or arguments. If any problems are found, a dialog will alert that the language file contains errors and recommend that it not be used. Details on the errors are also shown in this dialog, which should help translators debug their work.
    * Added: Support for GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP and truecolor ICO favicons (149843)
    * Added: "Ignore new items older than" added to folder properties
    * Added: Enclosure icon added to feed preview (138822)
    * Changed: Feed content is now stored in a SQLite database instead of in individual XML files
    * Changed: System requirements now include IE7 rather than IE6
    * Changed: Browser toolbar simplified by hiding several toolbuttons (note: if there's a button you want back, just click the "Customize" arrow at the far right of the toolbar)
    * Changed: "Favorites" is now on the main menu instead of the toolbar above the browser
    * Changed: Auto-discovered feed icon is now part of the address bar
    * Changed: Items are now added to synchronized clippings in a background thread
    * Changed: Check for new version and "what's new" are now integrated into the subscription home report
    * Changed: Panic Button results now shown in "timed" dialog which automatically disappears after 60 seconds
    * Changed: The default clippings folder is selected from the clippings context menu rather than through a checkbox on the clippings properties
    * Changed: "My Clippings" can no longer be hidden
    * Changed: Sounds for "Desktop alert" and "Add to clippings" are now enabled by default
    * Changed: Surfer newspaper now shows friendlier message when no items match the current filter
    * Changed: Simplified Options dialog by removing outdated settings
    * Changed: New browser tabs are now opened adjacent to the active tab instead of after the last tab (similar to IE7 and Chrome)
    * Changed: Language files ("FDLANGs") are now installed under the user's local application data folder (previous versions stored FDLANGs in a subfolder of \Program Files\FeedDemon, which caused Vista's folder virtualization to kick in when a non-admin user attempted to download an FDLANG)
    * Changed: Inline search bar flashes briefly when displayed to draw attention to it (some customers expected Ctrl+F to show IE's "Find" dialog and didn't notice inline search bar)
    * Changed: Email icon now shown in newspaper by default
    * Changed: Simplified Cleanup Wizard (now a simple dialog instead of a wizard)
    * Changed: "Feed History" report has been removed - my impression is that this feature was rarely (if ever) used, so let me know if you relied upon it
    * Fixed: FeedStation creates incorrect folder names if enclosure URL contains spaces
    * Fixed: Disabled watches fail to be grayed out when they contains unread items
    * Fixed: Embedded HTML Tidy locks up when item description contains unclosed XML instruction
    * Fixed: Unsubscribing from multiple feeds is slow
    * Fixed: Left/right arrow keys don't work in the inline search box
    * Fixed: Bad comments in feed prevent some items from being shown in FeedDemon newspaper (discovered with this French Gizmodo feed)
    * Fixed: Excessive flicker when selecting "Close Other Tabs"
    * Fixed: EOutOfResources error when running FeedDemon in a remote session
    * Fixed: FeedDemon comes to the front of other applications when the desktop alert's close button is clicked
    * Fixed: FeedDemon warns that you're subscribing to a feed you're already subscribed to even when it's a secure feed that you've supplied a different login to
    * Fixed: Items deleted from non-synched feeds reappear during a later update
    * Fixed: J/K newspaper shortcuts scroll too far (149242)
    * Fixed: Can't delete "My Clippings" when NewsGator login isn't known
    * Fixed: Login dialog displayed when "My Clippings" updated and NewsGator login isn't known
    * Fixed: "Unable to clip this post" error when clipping old posts
    * Fixed: URLs in address bar dropdown can be wider than address bar itself
    * Fixed: Cancelling "Panic Button" still causes "No items marked read" to appear in the status bar
    * Fixed: FeedDemon blocks enclosure URLs that end in whitespace
    * Fixed: Subscription tree indentation incorrect on Windows Vista after hitting "Reset to Defaults" on Options|Appearance
    * Fixed: Google AdSense image ads aren't skipped by FeedDemon's prefetch, and they appear even when showing excerpts (137930)
    * Fixed: FeedDemon can't subscribe to feeds containing numerous encoding errors (138759)
    * Fixed: When IE's popup blocker is disabled, multiple IE windows are spawned when "Open external links in default browser" is enabled and feed contains Brightcove video player
    * Fixed: "Subscription Home" report not updated when FeedDemon isn't the active application
    * Fixed: FeedDemon doesn't highlight in the taskbar when it displays a dialog and it's not the active application
    * Fixed: Progress bar fails to update when backing up cache folder on Windows Vista
    * Fixed: Many missing menu mnemonics (say that five times fast)
    * Fixed: Ctrl+Alt+Home opens feed's home page in new browser tab instead of current one
    * Fixed: Clicking "Next Page" does nothing when root watches or clippings node is selected
    * Fixed: "Import Feeds" slow to show list of feeds
    * Fixed: Choosing "Show in External Browser" sometimes fails when Google Chrome is the default browser
    * Fixed: Icon for "Show in default browser" not always correct after installing IE8 (158851)
    * Fixed: EOleException or EInvalidPointer exception when closing a browser tab (automatic error reporting showed this as the #1 bug)
    * Fixed: ESQLite3 exception when feed auto-discovered
    * Fixed: EIntOverflow exception caused by converting invalid dates
    * Fixed: EListError exception when importing feeds
    * Fixed: EStringListError exception with duplicate language resources
    * Fixed: EListError exception when accessing favorites offline
    * Fixed: EOleSysError exception when emailing post with Microsoft Outlook
    * Fixed: EnbFeedXmlParser exception parsing feed that has no <channel> node
    * Fixed: EWriteError exception saving invalid favicon
    * Fixed: EAccessViolation exception after hitting "Panic Button"
    * Fixed: EAccessViolation exception after moving feed
Known Issues
    * Ratings applied in NewsGator Enterprise Server aren't reflected in FeedDemon
    * Tags added in FeedDemon are synched with NewsGator, but tags added in another NewsGator application/service may not be reflected in FeedDemon
    * "Organize Favorites" fails after installing IE8 (this appears to be an IE8 bug)

Всего записей: 581 | Зарегистр. 17-09-2001 | Отправлено: 03:36 30-03-2009

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FD3 Beta 1

Не знаю, как у кого, но у меня постоянно вот такое... The page cannot be found

И еще, а почему на официальной бета-страничке этой версии нет?
Имею ввиду здесь - http://www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon/beta/

Всего записей: 1923 | Зарегистр. 03-09-2005 | Отправлено: 17:15 30-03-2009

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уже доступна
кто как обновлялся c предыдущей RC2, сверху накатывали, настройки остались, ленты?

Всего записей: 2189 | Зарегистр. 26-07-2006 | Отправлено: 18:59 30-03-2009 | Исправлено: sanb, 19:42 30-03-2009

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ошибка потому, что файл убрали, а вчера еще был доступен по адресу http://www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon/beta/fd3prebeta.exe

Купить биткоин, Ethereum и другие альткоины

Всего записей: 8945 | Зарегистр. 13-09-2004 | Отправлено: 19:10 30-03-2009

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кто как обновлялся c предыдущей RC2, сверху накатывали, настройки остались, ленты?  

Я накатывал поверх - всё перенеслось успешно. Но всегда на всякий случай делаю копию своих лент.

уже доступна  


ошибка потому, что файл убрали, а вчера еще был доступен

Спасибо за информацию!

Всего записей: 1923 | Зарегистр. 03-09-2005 | Отправлено: 20:21 30-03-2009

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что-то в 3-й бэтке иконки и тулбар уродский в ресурсах ин не нашел, поменять неудалось (

Всего записей: 73 | Зарегистр. 02-12-2004 | Отправлено: 00:35 31-03-2009

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кстати антибаннер от ManHunter подходит и для тройки
что то тройка глючная помоему, темы в лентах двоятся и отмеченные как прочитанные частично не запоминаются, т.е. после перезапуска проги опять отображаются как новые (не прочитанные)

Всего записей: 2189 | Зарегистр. 26-07-2006 | Отправлено: 00:50 31-03-2009 | Исправлено: sanb, 01:05 31-03-2009

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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 1a build
    * Changed: "Automatically collapse folders" setting has returned (Options|General)
    * Changed: Synchronization dialog no longer randomly appears before navigating to an external site
    * Changed: "This web page has a feed" message text reworded
    * Fixed: Keyboard shortcut to mark feed read doesn't refresh newspaper or news item list (159066)
    * Fixed: "Beta assertion error" importing specific feeds
    * Fixed: Duplication of items in un-synched feeds which don't contain pubDates or have invalid pubDates
    * Fixed: Thumbnail images not scaled properly in specific feeds
    * Fixed: "Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime" error during import (159015)
    * Fixed: Exception during import causes entire import to fail

Всего записей: 2189 | Зарегистр. 26-07-2006 | Отправлено: 00:52 01-04-2009

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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 1b (Build

April 3, 2009
Note: This is pre-release software, which means that you will run into bugs while using it. If you're not comfortable using unfinished software, please wait until the final release before downloading it.


Всего записей: 1923 | Зарегистр. 03-09-2005 | Отправлено: 02:51 04-04-2009

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что-то в третьей версии по умолчанию, когда ставишь курсор на новость, она помечается прочитанной, а раньше надо было вручную ставить метки о прочтении, что ИМХО удобнее, когда что-то ищешь... кто-нибудь нашел, как вернуть эту возможность?
Ищем также руссификатор для 3.0
антибаннер от ManHunter в шапку!
Файлик закинуть в папку с программой, запускать через LoadDemon.exe. Можно сразу перебить на него все ярлыки.

Всего записей: 110 | Зарегистр. 13-02-2007 | Отправлено: 08:46 04-04-2009 | Исправлено: alpha_re5earch, 09:00 04-04-2009

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Ищем также руссификатор для 3.0

будет финал - будет русификатор

"На любое мое движение ваша реакция предусмотрена,
В лучшем случае - равнодушие, в худшем случае - патология..." (C) Егор Летов

Всего записей: 3105 | Зарегистр. 20-03-2004 | Отправлено: 18:13 04-04-2009

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Появился русский языковой файл для версии на оффициальном форуме (требуется регистрация)

Всего записей: 4 | Зарегистр. 24-05-2008 | Отправлено: 15:42 06-04-2009

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антибаннер от ManHunter в шапку!

Avast ругается:
Win32:Trojan-gen {Other}

Всего записей: 320 | Зарегистр. 19-08-2005 | Отправлено: 21:59 08-04-2009

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А страничку назад отлистнуть? Там выложен неупакованный лоадер, специально по просьбе пользователя этого же "как-бы-антивируса".

"На любое мое движение ваша реакция предусмотрена,
В лучшем случае - равнодушие, в худшем случае - патология..." (C) Егор Летов

Всего записей: 3105 | Зарегистр. 20-03-2004 | Отправлено: 22:34 08-04-2009 | Исправлено: ManHunter, 22:35 08-04-2009

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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 2 (Build

Всего записей: 81 | Зарегистр. 15-12-2005 | Отправлено: 23:48 08-04-2009

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FeedDemon 3.0 Beta 2 (Build  

И переводик обновили  

Всего записей: 106 | Зарегистр. 22-02-2004 | Отправлено: 14:40 11-04-2009
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