Junior Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору kvitpisem В логе сервера: copy to.....error .. Включи обновление в ePO и задай расписание, насторойки агента перекрывают локальныые и включи агент. Once all the desired policies have been configured, you can deploy the software to a selected site, group, single computer, or the entire Directory. NOTE You can deploy the product before or after setting other policies. 1 In the console tree under Directory, select the desired site, group, single computer, or the entire Directory to which you want to deploy VirusScan Enterprise. 2 In the upper details pane on the Policies tab, select VirusScan Enterprise 7.0. The VirusScan Enterprise 7.0 page appears in the lower details pane. 3 Deselect Inherit. 4 Select Enforce Policies for VirusScan Enterprise when you want this installation policy to be available to the ePolicy Orchestrator agent. 5 Click Apply to save these settings. | Всего записей: 146 | Зарегистр. 23-10-2002 | Отправлено: 02:36 31-03-2004 | Исправлено: goose7k, 02:39 31-03-2004 |