Ответы в подсказках (Answers in Suggest) Mac, Windows, Linux If enabled, responses to certain types of queries will appear directly in the suggestion list beneath the combined search and address bar. #answers-in-suggest Disable Delay Agnostic AEC in WebRTC. Mac, Windows, Linux Disable Delay Agnostic AEC in WebRTC. Use if reported system delays are very trusted, or if others experience echo from your machine. #disable-delay-agnostic-aec Out-of-process V8 proxy resolver Mac, Windows, Linux Enable the out-of-process V8 proxy resolver, which runs inside of a utility process instead of a browser process. #v8-pac-mojo-out-of-process Disables the new video rendering path for video elements. Mac, Windows, Linux Disables the new compositor driven video rendering path for video elements. #disable-new-video-renderer Document scrolling element interoperability. Mac, Windows, Linux Control whether document.body.scrollTop/scrollLeft in JavaScript reflects the standard interoperable behavior (enabled) or legacy WebKit behavior (disabled). When enabled, document.scrollingElement is document.documentElement, when disabled it's document.body (for strict-mode pages). #scroll-top-left-interop |