Кроткий лев | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Из опыта: если остановлен сервис "защищенное хранилище" в win2000, то хрен к такой машине подконнектишься А теперь FAQ на английском по загрузке проца на машине сервера (т.е. куда мы коннектимся, на принимающей стороне): We are using the DameWare Mini Remote Control to manage all our servers and noticed when we are connected via the DMRC that the DWRCS.EXE uses at least 38% of the CPU constantly. Is this normal, and can we reduce the CPU usage when connecting via the DMRC? The only time that the Mini Remote service should take up any CPU time is while someone is actually connected to the machine with the Mini Remote application. The main factor that drives CPU usage up is the remote machine's video card and it's video drivers. I have 5 test machines here that I have tested with the Mini Remote. Each machine CPU is at least PIII 800MHz or better. 3 out of the five machines average 2% to 7% CPU usage while connected via the Mini Remote. The other two average around 50% CPU usage while connected. The only thing that is different about the machines is the video itself. I replaced the video card in one of the machines and the CPU usage went from over 50% to less then 10%. CPU usage of 50% to 90% is not uncommon. We have seen CPU usage from about 5% to 100%. Even at 100%, this really is not a problem because the Mini Remote Control will never hog the CPU (of course it will slow the responsiveness of the system as the CPU load increases). In other words, it will yield to other processes. However, the performance of the remote control depends on four major components: Video card, CPU, link speed and the size and complexity of the desktop. Using the performance options in the Mini Remote Control, we have been able to find acceptable settings on almost any machine we have tested - even from low end machine less than 180 MHz with low cost video cards. You may want to try to play with these settings (Compression, Scan Blocks, Delay between scan blocks and Display Options). Force 4-bit or 8-bit color helps sometimes. My Mini Remote settings for the 100MB LAN are Compression = 0, Scan Blocks = 16, Delay Between scan blocks = 1, Resolution = 1024 and Screen Color = unchanged. The Mini Remote will update, compress and send any screen changes. So if you are using the Task Manager this could actually increase the load quite a bit depending on the setup and configuration of the Task Manager which normally updates it's screen every second. I did a little test in our lab on a slow machine and using the default settings for the Scan Blocks, Delay between scan blocks and Display Options. With Task Manager running and the performance tab selected, the CPU usage ran between 29% and 71%. With the Process tab selected, the CPU usage ran between 15% and 44%. With the Application tab selected, the CPU usage ran between 8% and 19%. Using DameWare NT Utilities Process View remotely, the Performance Monitor may be a better option since you can select one process to monitor but it needs to be done remotely, the CPU usage ran between 4% and 15%. One thing we can gather from this system since the network is running 100 Mb the slow CPU (180 MHz) for compressing the data would more than likely be the bottle neck. ---
---------- Живи сам и давай жить другим. |