Silver Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Не помню, писали ли об этом раньше, но в теме про DrWeb была дана полезная инфа про ключи к этой проге. Подумал, что и здесь не лишним будет. Итак: во-первых к VsMain.exe, который отвечает GUI-версии ключей я не отыскал. Прочитал мануал. Оказалось, есть припрятаный консольный сканер... Находится здесь: "С:\Program Files\Common Files\Network Associates\VirusScan Engine\4.0.xx\SCAN.EXE" Вот к нему то и имеются ключики... Цитата: Usage: Scan [object1] [object2...] [option1] [option2...] /? Display this help screen. /AD Scan all drives (not removable media). /ADL Scan all local drives (not removable media). /ADN Scan all network drives. /ALERTPATH <dir> Designate <dir> as network path monitored by NetShield for centralized alerting. /ALL Scan all files regardless of filename extension. /ALLOLE Treat all files as compound/OLE regardless of extension. /ANALYZE Turn on heuristic analysis for programs and macros. /APPEND Append to report file rather than overwriting. /BOOT Scan boot sector and master boot record only. /CHECKLIST <filename>Scan list of files contained in <filename>. /CLEAN Clean viruses from infected files and system areas. /CONTACTFILE <filename>Display contents of <filename> when a virus is found. /DAM Remove all macros from infected MS Office files. /DEL Delete infected files. /DOHSM Scan migrated files (hierarchical storage management). /EXCLUDE <filename> Do not scan files listed in <filename>. /EXTLIST List file extensions scanned by default. /FAM Find all macros - not just infected macros. Used with /DAM will remove all macros. /FREQUENCY <n> Do not scan <n> hours after the previous scan. /HELP Display this help screen. /HTML <filename> Create an HTML report file. /LOAD <filename> Load options from <filename>. /MANALYZE Turn on macro heuristics. /MANY Scan many floppy diskettes. /MOVE <dir> Move infected files into directory <dir>, preserving path. /NOBACKUP Do not prompt for a backup diskette during a sector repair. /NOBOOT Do not scan boot sectors. /NOBREAK Disable Ctrl-C / Ctrl-Break during scanning. /NOCOMP Do not scan self extracting executables by default. /NOD Don't switch into /ALL mode when repairing. /NODDA No direct disk access. /NODOC Do not scan MS Office files. /NOEXPIRE Disable data files expiration date notice. /NOMEM Do not scan memory for viruses. /NODECRYPT Don't scan password-protected MS Office documents. /NOJOKES Do not alert on hoaxes or joke files. /NORENAME Do not rename infected files that cannot be cleaned. /PANALYZE Turn on program heuristics. /PAUSE Pause at end of each screen page. /PLAD Preserve Last Access Dates on Novell NetWare drives. /PROGRAM Scan for potentially malicious commercial software. /REPORT <filename> Report names of viruses found into <filename>. /RPTALL Include all scanned files in the /REPORT file. /RPTCOR Include corrupted files in /REPORT file. /RPTERR Include errors in /REPORT file. /SILENT Disable all screen output. /SUB Scan subdirectories. /TIMEOUT <seconds> Set the maximum time to spend scanning any one file. /UNZIP Scan inside compressed files. /VIRLIST Display virus list. | Вот такие ключики... Кто попробует, как пашут, пишите...
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