
Advanced Member | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | ICQ | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору Media Player Classic HomeCinema (x86/x64), svn 1400 Поддерживаемые языки: BR, BY, CN, CZ, DE, EN, ES, FR, HU, IT, KR, PL, RU, SE, SK, TR, UA ссылки для скачивания: Полный лог изменений Изменения (1394-1400): Fixed : blank item for appcommand; Added : support of Broadcom Video decoder for VC1, H264 and Mpeg2 (hardware acceleration); Moved "Show OSD" option to Player page; Updated MinGW32 link in compilation instructions; Advise Show OSD option requires MPC-HC to be restarte; Updated resources to reflect the latest "Show OSD" changes; Increased the size of the "Show OSD" box for all resources; Updated the two Chinese resources to reflect the latest changes.
---------- Win11 x64, i7 8700K 5Ghz, MasterLiquid Pro 280, ASUS MAXIMUS X HERO, G.Skill (2x8GB) Trident Z F4-3600C16D-16GTZ, Crucial MX500 1TB, RX 5700,TV Philips 43PUS6703/12, Zappiti 4K HDR |