Conflict between Agnitum Outpost Firewall and VirusScan Enterprise 1. Disable the Buffer Overflow Protection. 1.1 Click Start, All Programs, Network Associates, VirusScan Console. 1.2 Double-click Buffer Overflow Protection. 1.3 Deactivate Enable buffer overflow protection. 1.4 Click OK. 2. Disable the NaiAvTdi1 driver. Warning: Access Protection features (Port Blocking, File, Share, and Folder Protection) will be disabled. 2.1 Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, System. 2.2 Select the Hardware tab and click DeviceManager. 2.3 In the View menu, select Show hidden devices. 2.4 Locate NaiAvTdi1 in the Non-Plug and Play Drivers section. 2.5 Right-Click NaiAvTdi1 and select Disable. 2.6 Restart the system. |