taNo | Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору нужны коды для Postal 2 хочу просмотреть ВЕСЬ могучий арсенал Добавлено DarkViper я же писал лист назад как сделать МНОГО денег в Космических Рейнджера! Добавлено Here are the Postal 2 cheats! Press the shift and the @ key or the ~ key on some systems to make the Game Console Window Appear. Type in SISSY to enable the cheat modes then enter any of the following below for goodies... Alamode - God Mode PackNHeat - Gives player every destructive weapon in the game PayLoad - Set all current weapons to have lots of ammo IAmSoLame - Gives all weapons, max ammo and turns you invinivible PiggyTreats - Gives lots of doughnuts JewsForJesus - Gives player lots of cash BoyAndHisDog - Gives player lots of dog treats (yep your dog is very useful when trained) Jones - Gives player lots of health pipes SwimWithFishes - Gives player all radar related items FireInYourHole - Enables rocket cameras (fun!) IAmTheOne - Gives player lots of catnip LotsAPussy - Gives player lots of cats (for use as silencers) BlockMyAss - Gives player body armor SmackDatAss - Gives player the gimp suit IAmTheLaw - Gives player the cop clothes Healthful - Gives player full health and several (4) medkits Whatchutalkinbout - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Gary Colemans Oasma - Turns all non-player, bystander pawns into Fanatacs RockinCats - Change any guns that can use cats as silencers to have a cat on them and the cat will shoot off everytime and a new one will magically appear DokkinCats - Removes cat repeating guns (turns them back to normal) IFeelFree - Ghost mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off) LikeABirdy - Fly mode (toggled, enter code again to turn off) Fly - ? Walk - ? Slowmo (number) - sets speed? ---------- codes functions found in game.. not fully documented ------------- For testing, set this unique errand complete Turns on hate-player-groups too exec function SetThisErrandComplete(String UniqueName) For testing, set all of the specified day's errands as complete Turns on hate-player-groups too function SetThisDaysErrandsComplete(int DayI) For testing, set all of today's errands as complete Turns on hate-player-groups too SetTodaysErrandsComplete() For testing, reset all the errands and make hate groups not hate you anymore Warning!! May not work for 'write-in' errands! SetAllErrandsUnComplete() For testing, set all errands as complete Turns on hate-player-groups too--Apocalypse! SetAllErrandsComplete() For testing, set the day you want to warp to. All errands before that day will be completed, along with anything you're supposed to retain SetDay(int day) For testing, set the day you want to test and the current level will be "reloaded" for that day. WarpToDay(int day) For testing, go to the specified map. This should ALWAYS be used instead of unreal's built-in "open" command. Goto(String LevelName) Change player to opposite of his current morality ChangeDude() For testing, reset cops so you aren't wanted any more ResetCops()
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